Willy Van den Bossche : Bibliography of Glass

Bibliography of Glass

Willy Van den Bossche partage avec vous sa Bibliography of Glass, publiée en février dernier.

Pour télécharger la version anglaise de cette bibliographie, cliquez ici.

Pour en savoir plus sur l’auteur, cliquez ici.

Voici un extrait de l’introduction de cet ouvrage :

« This comprehensive Bibliography of Glass (323 pages) is a compilation of 4,210 selected books and a few important articles and other sources on glass and glassmaking in various languages from the earliest times to the present (31st December 2018).

It is an exceptional work of reference and compendium in terms of the world-wide overview it provides of books on glass, glass technology, the art of glass, glassware, glass collections, exhibition catalogues, museum catalogues, sales catalogues and manuscripts relating to glass.

It has been compiled for libraries, sellers of new and antiquarian books, collectors, historians, researchers, glass museums and any other institutions and individuals interested in ancient, antique or modern glass.

The works cited are arranged in alphabetical order according to authors’ last names. Any title lacking the name of the author has been included under the heading Anonymous.

More than 450 museums relating to the art of glass from all over the world have been catalogued creating a book within a book. »